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New information and insights are commonly unveiled in the clinical arena of hematology and blood clotting within which the Rowan Foundation works. We value our relationships with the news makers and the news outlets we have the opportunity to collaborate with.
You can learn more about the Rowan Foundation’s work here and here. You can learn more about blood clot risks associated with hormonal birth control here.
If you are a reporter or journalist and have a specific question for our organization, please email [email protected].

Women’s Health & Clotting Quarterly
The Rowan Foundation introduced its new Women’s Health & Clotting Quarterly during National Women’s Health Week in May 2023. Check out the most recent issues of this popular new e-bulletin below:
If you would like to have your personal story featured in the Women’s Health & Clotting Quarterly, you can share your story here, or send an email to [email protected].
If you have news or information you think might be important to share in upcoming issues, please email the content for consideration to our editorial team at [email protected].
Additional Resources
There are several other organizations that share important information for women considering their birth control options, as well as people who may have other risks for dangerous blood clots or who have already experienced a blood clot. Below are links to these other organizations and resources:
Blog Posts
Read blog posts, including posts archived from the Rowan Foundation’s Women’s Health & Clotting Quarterly, below.
Pregnancy and Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Kimberley Kimberley recounts her experience with pregnancy and clotting, and a diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome. I was young and having my first child with my now husband. My son was born just before my 20th birthday. Much ...
Life-Threatening Blood Clot: Lasting Impact
Amanda Shares her experience with a life-threatening blood clot. June 17th, 2024, was the day my life forever changed due to a life-threatening blood clot. I woke up that morning ready to tackle my work day. As I was walking ...
Inksights: BCAM 2025
A Crucial Conversation: Improving Contraceptive Outcomes for Women David Rowan, Rowan Foundation Founder As the founder of the Rowan Foundation, my mission is deeply personal. I lost my only child, my beautiful daughter, Alex, to a blood clot ...
Pregnancy and Blood Clots
Kristi Kristi shares her experience with pregnancy and blood clots. I was 27 years old and pregnant with my first and only child. My pregnancy was difficult, having experienced issues with high blood pressure, severe migraines, and eventually ...
Hidden Risks of Birth Control: A Mother’s Journey
Amara and Megan Megan von Hopffgarten shares insights about the hidden risks of birth control, as a mother who lost a child to a blood clot. I’m the mother of an incredibly vibrant, artistic and beautiful soul ...
A Personal Story of Blood Clots and Birth Control
Aynslee shares her personal story of experiencing blood clots linked to birth control. In 2023, I was rushed to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with a perforated stomach ulcer. During this visit, doctors discovered multiple ...
Blood Clot Awareness: A Personal Journey and Why It Matters
Sara Wyen, Founder, Blood Clot Recovery Network Guest writer Sara Wyen shares insights about the importance of blood clot awareness through the prism of her recovery from clotting and other health challenges. March is Blood Clot Awareness ...
Blood Clot Awareness Month 2025
March is Blood Clot Awareness Month—a crucial time to shine a light on a health issue that affects hundreds of thousands of people every year. Blood clots are associated with hormonal contraception, pregnancy, menopause treatments, and other medical conditions. Blood ...
Know Blood Clot Risks When Choosing Contraception
Ashley shares her blood clot story and the lessons she learned from this experience. She urges women to understand blood clot risks when choosing contraception. On September 28, 2022, I was feeling really dizzy and experiencing coughing fits. I was ...
Thoughts about Alex Rowan by her Godmother, Sherry.
I remember exactly where I was when I received the awful news that Alex had died. As a home health nurse, I was in a patient’s home making a visit: My cell phone rang and it was my daughter calling. ...
Diana shares her story about blood clots and birth control
In 2022, at the age of 32 and competing in the national rowing championship, I had my first serious crisis. I had to ask for help to get out of the river, hoping that the symptoms thought to be asthma ...
Shelby’s life was cut short by a blood clot.
Without warning, Shelby’s life was suddenly cut short by a blood clot. Her mother Carol shares her story. Shelby was a beautiful, unique, outgoing person who enjoyed life fully. She loved outdoor activities, and spent her spare time snowshoeing, ...
Eve lost her life to a blood clot.
Eve was 21 years old when she lost her life to a blood clot. Her mother Melanie remembers her amazing daughter. Our beautiful daughter Eve had a fall in July of 2019. At the time, she had been on the ...
Blood clots and lung damage
Sophie recounts her past experience with blood clots in her lungs, while today she still deals with lung damage. In February of 2021, as I arrived to the hospital ward for my shift as a student nurse and healthcare ...
Hormonal contraception and blood clots
Kristin shares her personal experience with blood clots, stressing the role of her hormonal contraception as a risk factor. I had been short of breath for several days, but since it was January at the time I just assumed I ...
Savannah shares her experience with pregnancy and blood clots.
I had my son via C-section in April 2023. During my pregnancy, the doctors said that the leg pain I was experiencing was just sciatica. After having my son, I was having severe headaches. The pain medicine I was given ...
Blood clots during pregnancy
Faye recounts her dramatic experience with life-threatening blood clots during pregnancy. The start of my blood clot journey was very unexpected. I was 34 years old and 32 weeks pregnant. I was struggling to breathe, but I put it down ...
Blood clots following estrogen therapy
Jen shares her story about blood clots following estrogen therapy. In 2022, I went to my gynecologist with abnormal bleeding. After some tests, it was determined I had bilateral ovarian cysts. In an effort to shrink them, I was ...