David Rowan, Founder, Rowan Foundation
From the Founders Desk
As we reflect on the year that was 2023, and in light of the Rowan Foundation’s 10-year anniversary, it seems like the past decade went by very quickly, but for our family it feels like forever since we lost our only child Alexandra and formed the organization in 2013 to honor her legacy.
The time between October, the month Alex passed away, and late December, when we ring in the New Year, is strikingly more difficult for us than any other time of year. The holiday season encompassed by this time period used to be a time of joy and great fun for our family. Now, it marks a time of sadness given her absence.
We know we are not alone in this experience, and we feel deeply for everyone in our community who has lost a loved one to blood clots. We have met so many good people during the course of our work in the clotting community, and it’s both heart-warming and heart-breaking to see how our foundation has connected with so many individuals and groups over the years who share our same experience.
Alexandra Rowan
The support we have received means so much to us and, of course, it comes in many different forms: Some people collaborate with us to share their experiences and insights and help to inform the work that we do. Some people choose to connect with us on social media, engaging with and sharing our content consistently. Others share our web-based educational tools widely with their own network of friends and families. Some people honor us by sharing their stories on our website to help inform others. And, of course, there are individuals and groups who generously share their treasure and make contributions to help support our mission.
At this time of year, everyone looks back on the year just passed and the upcoming year on the horizon. We hope that your view of the Rowan Foundation is one of a cause worthy of supporting, because your support – of any kind or size – is what keeps us motivated and inspired.
However you might choose to get involved and support our mission, you make our work worthwhile and you are the reason we are here. You can learn more about how to connect with us and get involved in our work here: Join Us. If you would like to make a tax-deductible, year-end donation to the Rowan Foundation, you can do so here: Gift of Support to the Rowan Foundation.
As 2023 gives way to 2024, my family will reflect on the past 10 years without Alexandra, knowing that we will continue to miss her every day in the months and years to come but also knowing that our work in her honor will continue. As too many of us know, when we lose a loved one the grief does not go away. Yet, we somehow learn to cope, or to gather the strength to continue forward. Our family takes great pride in continuing to evolve the work of the Rowan Foundation to honor the memory of our daughter and the other women and their families who share our experience. At the Rowan Foundation we believe firmly that, as a community, we must work together to do everything we possibly can to prevent other families from experiencing this same tragedy and loss.
From everyone involved with the Rowan Foundation, as well as my family, we want to share warm wishes with you for a peaceful holiday season and healthy and prosperous New Year.